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Election Security Strategies and Other Emerging Threats

Recap of Security Leader Focus Group Discussion

Election Security Strategies

In the latest Security Leader Focus Group discussion on September 10th and 12th, facilitated by the Effortlo Executive Resource Council and featuring Chief Security Officers (CSOs) and other highly skilled security experts, participants critically examined security risks and preparation strategies for the upcoming U.S. election. As America braces for the perfect storm of election chaos, the conversation highlighted essential strategies organizations can adopt to protect their employees and operations during this politically charged period.

About The Security Leader Focus Group

The Security Leader Focus Group, is designed to host about 20-25 CSOs, Global Security Leaders, and SMEs alongside the effortlo Executive Resource Council. This is a working session where security leaders speak openly and candidly - sharing their experiences, successes, and struggles around a topic with the intent to #benchmark and collaborate with like-minded peers.


Insights on Voter Preparedness and Polling Challenges

Joining the group was a special guest from the effortlo Executive Resource Council, Dr. Steve Albrecht, a renowned expert in #workplaceviolenceprevention and security. He has extensive experience in threat assessment and consulting for various organizations, including schools and libraries, that often serve as polling locations.


During the discussion, Steve shared valuable insights from his work with local election officials in his hometown of Springfield, MO. He highlighted key aspects of election security, and the challenges anticipated in the upcoming U.S. election. His insights detailed the dynamics of polling locations, expected #voterturnout, and the critical importance of clear communication regarding voting processes.

Expected Voter Turnout

Voter Turnout
Every additional hour a voter waits in line decreases the probability they will vote in the next election by 1%

One of the significant statistics Dr. Albrecht mentioned was the anticipation of a voter turnout exceeding 80% for the upcoming election, primarily driven by the high stakes of the presidential race. He noted, "Historically, we often see turnout in the 50% range for primaries, but this election could see levels of participation that we haven't witnessed in years." This heightened engagement reflects the current political climate and the issues at stake, underscoring the necessity for robust #security measures at polling sites.


Polling Booth Laws and Procedures

Dr. Albrecht also discussed the laws governing polling booths, emphasizing the need for clarity among the public about voting hours and access. He stated, "There are often misconceptions about polling place operations, particularly when polls close and who is allowed to vote." He elaborated that in his area, polls open at 6 AM and close at 7 PM, providing a 14-hour window for voters. However, he noted that misunderstandings often lead to claims of disenfranchisement.


He further explained, "Polling locations must adhere to strict guidelines, including ensuring that anyone in line at the time of closing can cast their vote. This reinforces the idea that no one is denied the right to vote as long as they are present before the official closing time." This procedural clarity is crucial for maintaining voter confidence and ensuring a smooth election process.


Challenges and Concerns

Despite the optimistic turnout predictions, Dr. Albrecht expressed concerns about potential disruptions and protests that could arise due to delays in vote counting or perceived irregularities. He noted, "The aftermath of the election is where we may see significant unrest, particularly if results are not available in a timely manner." This potential for civil unrest underscores the importance of #preparedness and communication among security personnel and election officials.

"The aftermath of the election is where we may see significant unrest, particularly if results are not available in a timely manner." - Dr. Steve Albrecht

Dr. Albrecht's insights shed light on the complexities of #electionsecurity, emphasizing the need for proactive measures to ensure a safe and effective voting process. His discussions with local officials reinforce the importance of clarity, preparation, and responsiveness in safeguarding the integrity of the election.


Security Risks and Preparation Strategies for the Upcoming U.S. Election

As the Security Leader Focus Group delved into the potential security risks posed by the upcoming U.S. election, several key concerns were raised regarding #workplacesafety and the impact of political unrest. Participants emphasized the heightened volatility surrounding the electoral process, noting that organizations must be prepared for various scenarios, including workplace interference and potential violence. The discussion underscored the need for a proactive approach to safeguarding employees and operations, emphasizing creating an environment where employees feel secure and supported amid potential disruptions. In this context, several strategies emerged for organizations to mitigate risks related to the upcoming election.


Key strategies include:

  1. Establishing Clear Policies: A significant portion of the discussion in both sessions centered on the critical need for organizations to develop or reinforce clear policies regarding employee conduct, particularly in the context of the upcoming U.S. election. Bridget Guerrero highlighted the importance of #policies that explicitly allow for disciplinary action against confrontational, aggressive, or antagonistic behavior. This proactive measure is vital for maintaining a respectful and safe workplace environment during heightened political tensions.

    During the conversations, participants noted that the workplace could become a flashpoint for disputes and conflicts arising from differing political views. Bridget emphasized, “In today’s climate, it’s crucial that employees understand the boundaries of acceptable behavior, especially as we approach a highly charged election season.” The group discussed how these policies could be integrated into a broader code of conduct or developed as separate guidelines focused on election-related interactions.

“When employees know there are consequences for crossing the line, it creates a more respectful atmosphere and discourages negativity.” - Bridget Guerrero
  1. The focus on clear policies serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it sets expectations for employee behavior, making it clear that any form of aggression or hostility will not be tolerated. Participants expressed that having these policies in place protects employees and shields the organization from potential liabilities associated with workplace disputes. One participant remarked, “When employees know there are consequences for crossing the line, it creates a more respectful atmosphere and discourages negativity.”

    Moreover, the discussions emphasized the importance of effectively communicating these policies to all staff members. Bridget pointed out that simply having policies is not enough; they must be actively communicated and reinforced. “Training sessions and regular reminders can help ensure that everyone is aware of what is expected of them,” she stated. The group agreed that proactive communication around these policies would be essential, especially in the lead-up to the election.

    Ultimately, establishing clear policies regarding conduct not only provides a framework for addressing potential issues but also fosters a culture of accountability within the organization. As the group concluded, having a well-defined policy is an essential step for companies to take as they navigate the complexities and challenges posed by the upcoming election.

  2. Proactive Employee Training:  Awareness training can help employees navigate politically sensitive conversations and identify signs of unrest. This can play a crucial role in mitigating risks during the election period. Companies can foster a respectful and safe workplace amid heightened political tensions by equipping employees with the necessary tools.


    One participant emphasized, “Training is not just about compliance; it’s about empowering our employees to feel confident in addressing issues before they escalate.” This proactive approach prepares employees to handle difficult discussions, reducing the likelihood of impulsive reactions.


    Participants agreed that one-off sessions are insufficient; ongoing reminders can reinforce the lessons learned and maintain employee engagement. “We need to create an environment where training is seen as an integral part of our workplace culture,” one member stated.

    Crisis Management Tabletop Exercises: While this is nothing new to seasoned security professionals, these strategies can be overlooked by leadership, and it’s up to the security team to stress their importance. Well-thought-out and routine exercises are vital for preparing organizations to handle potential disruptions, including protests or workplace violence, during the upcoming U.S. election. These exercises allow teams to simulate various scenarios and refine their response strategies, ensuring they are well-prepared for real-world challenges.

“We often overlook how our established protocols can be adapted to new threats. Tabletop exercises help us see these connections clearly.” Sulev Suvari
  1. Importantly, many of these disruptions can be addressed within existing crisis management plans. One participant noted, “We often overlook how our established protocols can be adapted to new threats. #Tabletopexercises help us see these connections clearly.” This perspective emphasizes that leveraging existing plans can enhance organizational resilience.

    Another member remarked, “Tabletop exercises create a safe space to discuss concerns and strategies, fostering collaboration across departments.” This collaborative approach strengthens response capabilities and reinforces a culture of preparedness.


  2. Proactively Arranging for Security: By securing these resources ahead of time, companies can avoid exorbitant last-minute costs that often arise when demand for security personnel spikes. When resources are stretched thin, the ability to secure qualified support becomes increasingly challenging, potentially leaving organizations vulnerable.


    Additionally, it’s important to recognize that not all security personnel are equally equipped to handle the nuanced challenges that may arise during election-related disruptions. Many organizations may instinctively turn to security guards; however, these individuals may lack the necessary training to effectively manage stressful and sensitive situations. Instead, companies should consider hiring seasoned professionals, such as former law enforcement officers, with the expertise to navigate complex environments and respond appropriately to escalations. “Having trained professionals who understand the dynamics of tense situations can make all the difference. It’s about more than just presence; it’s about having the right expertise on hand.” This insight underscores the importance of strategic planning in securing the right type of support, ensuring that organizations are not only prepared financially but also operationally equipped to handle potential challenges.

  3. Social Media and Internal Communication Monitoring: Organizations must utilize social media monitoring tools to track relevant conversations that could indicate potential disruptions. This #proactive measure allows for early intervention if needed. In addition to traditional social media platforms, focus group discussions highlighted the importance of monitoring internal communication channels such as Slack and email.


    A key tool mentioned was Microsoft’s Communication Compliance, designed to monitor emails and other company communications for keywords and threats. This tool helps organizations identify and address #codeofconduct policy violations across various platforms, including Microsoft Teams and emails. It ensures compliance with organizational policies and regulatory requirements, providing a critical layer of oversight in potentially volatile situations.


    Moreover, Microsoft 365 offers Exchange Online monitoring, which delivers insights into email incidents or advisories. For more detailed monitoring, tools like AdminDroid can analyze email traffic and activities within Microsoft 365 environments to identify spam, malware, phishing emails, and other threats. As one participant remarked, “Leveraging these monitoring tools allows us to stay ahead of any potential unrest, ensuring a safer workplace.” By implementing such comprehensive monitoring systems, organizations can enhance their situational awareness and prepare effectively for emerging threats.

  4. Rerunning Background Checks: Organizations may consider rerunning background checks on employees, especially in the lead-up to the election, to stay informed about any changes in an individual's status that could pose potential risks. This proactive measure can help identify any red flags that may have emerged since the initial hiring process. Tools like Clear, by Thompson Reuters is a public records technology tool that may support this effort by providing streamlined access to comprehensive background check services, ensuring organizations maintain a thorough understanding of their workforce.


    Using Clear and similar platforms not only simplifies the process of obtaining background information but also ensures compliance with legal standards. As one focus group member noted, “Having up-to-date background checks helps us make informed decisions and enhances our overall security posture.” By integrating these tools into their risk management strategies, companies can better safeguard their environments against potential threats.


Navigating Senior Leadership Communication on Political Issues

The focus group discussion highlighted the complexities of how senior leaders, particularly CEOs and other high-ranking executives, should approach their comments on social media regarding political issues. This topic is particularly sensitive, as it involves advising leadership on how to communicate without causing potential backlash or damage to the company's reputation.

CEO Communication

Participants debated whether it is more effective to proactively address political issues or to remain silent until events unfold. Many emphasized the importance of being prepared and having a clear communication strategy in place. One participant remarked, “Getting out ahead of the conversation can help frame the narrative and reduce the risk of being reactive to public sentiment.”


However, the challenge lies in delivering this guidance to senior leaders in a way that is respectful and constructive. Communicating the potential consequences of their remarks requires a delicate approach. It was suggested that security professionals develop strategies to present this information thoughtfully, ensuring leaders understand the implications without feeling micromanaged.


As one focus group member articulated, “It’s crucial to create a safe space for dialogue. You want to make it clear that you’re there to support their decision-making process, not to dictate it.” By fostering open communication and providing context on how certain comments may be perceived, organizations can help senior leaders navigate these sensitive waters while maintaining a positive corporate image.


Other Critical Emerging Threats

While the discussion predominantly centered on preparations for the upcoming election, participants also emphasized the importance of addressing other critical #emergingthreats that are increasingly relevant in today's complex landscape. Security leaders are not only focused on the immediate challenges posed by electoral activities but are also keenly aware of a range of factors that could impact their organizations. As they navigate these evolving threats, they are preparing proactive strategies to mitigate potential risks.


Key areas of concern highlighted by the focus group include:

  1. Insider Threats: As polarization increases, organizations must be vigilant about insider threats that can arise from employees' personal beliefs and opinions, which may lead to workplace disruptions.

  2. Regulatory Changes: The rapidly evolving regulatory landscape requires companies to stay informed and adaptable to maintain compliance and security.

  3. Hybrid Work Models: The complexity of managing security in hybrid work environments necessitates effective policies and practices to address potential vulnerabilities.

  4. Geopolitical Tensions: Ongoing #geopolitical tensions can impact business operations, making it crucial for organizations to remain aware of potential risks to their workforce and supply chains.


Key Takeaways

  1. Establish Clear Policies: Organizations should implement or remind employees of policies that allow for disciplinary action against confrontational or aggressive behavior, possibly incorporating this into a broader code of conduct.

  2. Proactive Employee Training: Regular training sessions are essential for preparing employees to recognize potential threats and navigate politically sensitive conversations effectively.

  3. Crisis Management Tabletop Exercises: Conducting tabletop exercises helps organizations simulate various scenarios to refine their response strategies and enhance preparedness.

  4. Proactively Arrange for Security: Securing personnel in advance minimizes last-minute costs and ensures the right type of security professionals are available to handle potentially stressful situations.

  5. Utilize Monitoring Tools: Tools like Microsoft's Communication Compliance can track keywords and conversations across communication platforms, helping organizations stay ahead of potential disruptions.

  6. Rerun Background Checks: Regularly updating background checks on employees can help organizations identify any new risks leading up to significant events like elections.

  7. Guide Leadership Communication: It is important to assist senior leaders in making informed comments on political issues to prevent damaging statements and maintain a positive corporate image.



The Security Leader Focus Group discussions provided invaluable insights into the emerging threats and security risks surrounding the upcoming U.S. election. By implementing strategic measures such as clear policies, proactive training, and effective communication, organizations can better prepare for potential disruptions. There are also free helpful tools that may help keep tabs on the situation, such as The United States Crisis Monitor, which provides in-depth coverage of demonstration and political violence trends across the US in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential elections. 


Effortlo is also a resource that supports organizations in these endeavors. If you're interested in learning more about effortlo or the Security Leader Focus Group, connecting with any of the participants, or exploring tailored mitigation support for your organization's needs, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your proactive approach to security can significantly impact your ability to navigate the complexities of today's environment.


About Effortlo

Effortlo is the world’s first and only #marketplace for global security resources, serving as a force multiplier for security departments and an extension of their team. Effortlo helps companies operate a lean and efficient security program by providing effortless access to a wide range of global security experts with one agreement and one payment. With transparent pricing and a hassle-free (Airbnb-like), model, #effortlo allows customers to work directly with security experts to expand their capabilities, meet deadlines, and stay within budget. It’s also the only platform enabling any validated #securityexpert to discreetly promote their skills and expertise to the greater security community.


Participants in this Focus Group/Roundtable included:

Josh Carver – Chief Security Officer at Schneider Electric

Scott McBride – Chief Global Asset Protection Officer & CSO at American Eagle

Jason Maddix – Corporate Security Director at Republic Services

Bridget Guerrero – Director of Global Security at Viasat

Reigna Zeigler – Global Director, Emergency Mgt & Continuity at Johnson Controls

Rich Streeter – Chief Security Officer at PwC

Rusty Wallace Chief Security Officer at Veritiv

Carlos Galvez – Principal Risk Consultant at Bastion Projects

Jeff Dean Vice President, Global Intelligence Operations at Alert Media

Sagi Raz – EMEA Security Manager, KLA Israel

Bruce McIndoe – President McIndoe Risk Advisory and founder of iJet/WorldAware

Rich Widup – President of The Widup Group & former President of ASIS

Sulev Suvari – Principal of Levvari, former Global Head of Safety, Security & Resiliency at HP

Jon Harris – Head of Ecosystem Partnerships, HiveWatch

Rob Chamberlin – President & Founder of Security 101

Brittany Galli – Founder of MoboHub & Former Chair of ASIS Women in Security Group

Steve Lisle – Ambassador for Reducing Effort – Founder of effortlo.

Dr. Steve Albrecht – WPV and Threat Assessment Expert

Mike Osborne – former Chief Security Officer at Kinross

Karan Uthaiah – Founder of TASC and former Head of Global Resilience at HP


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